Monday, February 2, 2009

Thank you, Patti & Yvette!

Today's entry is an easy one for me. The work has been taken care of by two terrific members of our IS team.

Patti McConnell of our supreme training team has redesigned the CIS Enhanced View Info site that you can access by clicking on the link here or on eWorkplace. It now has the look and feel we've been working towards and is only the beginning of what will become an advanced web-based learning center for CIS.

Yvette Carter of our equally outrageous technical team whipped off a quick slide set earlier today that summarizes most of the new features found in the Enhanced View. Given its comprehensive simplicity, I thought to heist it for posting here today. I think it offers more food for thought as we get ready to roll with EV.

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by nrk99


  1. Nice kudos! They ROCK!

  2. AHA - does this mean that physician office orders will be online for us (I work BMLH Cardiopulmonary) and we can view them and they will be readable but not have to waste more paper printing them out?

  3. Yes indeed. The scope of our ambulatory CPOE project is to include all ambulatory BMP sites.
