Monday, February 23, 2009

Flash Player and the Blog

I'm hearing and seeing that a number of folks with BH computers (laptops, tablets and desktops) are unable to view slide sets that I've been posting due to a need for Flash Player updates. I am just off the phone with the Help Desk and have verified that they should be called for the fix.

Here are the instructions:
  1. Call the Help Desk at 4-3000
  2. Select 1
  3. Have your asset tag number available. This is the number found on the bar code sticker that is found on the computer (and occasionally the monitor). IT will then be able to remotely install the software update.
  4. Give me some feedback on the use of the screenshots. More, less, same, none; new topics, more depth, less detail...


  1. I find the slideshows very helpful. However, despite helpdesk involvement, I've been unable to view them on my BH desktop (WinXPsp2, IE6 or Firefox 3.0.6, Flash Player 10): the plugin fails to initialize, whereas on other sites, flash content plays. Frustrating. OTOH, it works on my Mac most of the time, but occasionally the authorstream feed hangs.


  2. I will try to push this up a level over at IS. Funny thing is that I can create slidesets on my Mac, but can't get them to display on the site due to irreconcilable formatting issues.

  3. I checked in again today on my work PC, and all entries with slideshows appeared just fine. Joel paged me to check in about it so I let him know there appeared to be no problem now.
