Wednesday, February 4, 2009

EV Peek: Reminders

While I've had reasonable exposure to the Enhanced View interface, I had a chance to really get into the Message Center this morning. I've been touting the new look and tools, but not until today did I really get a good feel for how it drives. I can't tell you much about Pools since they are yet to be built, but Proxies are very cool. The proxy tool is highly customizable such that you can select from a long laundry list of chart elements to proxy to others. This can be useful for managing messages, labs, documents, etc., and can improve clinic/office workflow depending on how responsibilities are shared. It's design is much simpler than the current one.

Reminders can be set to display instantly or at some later date/time and remain in your Message Center Inbox until cleared. It can also be set up to return at a later date. For example, you've got a patient that needs a follow-up imaging study in 6 months. You might post a reminder to yourself and forward it to your staff assistant to have the test scheduled 6 months from now. That "shared" reminder can serve as a message to staff and can then be cleared from your inbox once the necessary deeds are done. At the same time that this reminder message is generated, you can also set a due date for the reminder to return to your inbox to again alert you to the need for the follow-up test. This type of reminder is saved to the "Recipient's Inbox", as seen in the slide below.

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by nrk99

A reminder can also be saved to the patient's chart rather than to your inbox. A typical situation when this would be useful is in posting a note to yourself to do something, say a comprehensive diabetic foot exam, on the patient's next visit. This functions like a sticky note should and, while it hangs in the chart as a reminder, does not clutter your Message Center inbox with less crucial cues.

More feature reports to come


  1. I'm looking forward to using Reminders. I've found some UI inconsistencies when playing with them in the sandbox. For example, in the Message Center I added a new reminder, selecting the patient TESTTEN. I chose to show it in the patient's chart (which blanks out recipient fields as expected). When I picked a due date, I somteimes received the warning "cannot enter past date" despite selecting a future date. Sometimes the due date field turns yellow, sometimes it doesn't. Randomly entering other dates in the future eventually cleared this error. I also found that the final 'Send' button is often greyed out although all required fields are filled in. Toggling between showing it in the Recipient's Inbox and Chart and back again seems to fix that one.

    Also, Show Up and Due dates are reflected in the body text of the reminder document, but not in their respective fields in the top of the Details window.


  2. Thanks for checking it our. I wonder whether the encounter you were working from caused the date issue. Truth is, while you're in the TEST domain (Sandbox) there are a lot of vulnerabilities that we've identified in advance of go-live. In the meantime, I'll pass on your concerns.

