Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Posted by Andy Balder to me via email

First, thanks to Neil. I am a novice blogger.
Not as high concept as you like perhaps, but:
We all know there are multiple august bodies telling us what to do for HCM, and that they often do not agree based on their biases, parameters, etc. We also know that there are payers who reward us for doing some of these items regularly - usually but not always the motherhood and apple pie items. While this should not dictate how and why we practice, we should at least be aware of them.
With that preamble, some random ideas:
1. What about customizing the HCm field so each center/medical director can select appropriuate ones for his/her practice? I envision two lists - one that shows up everywhere (mammograms, flu shots, for example), and one that a practice can select if desired. Zostavax might fall into the latter, at present because many of us can not access it anyway. Prostate testing could go either way, so there would have to be a group of us who have the authority to assign to the "master" list. Then ,of course, we would ahve to get all emdical directors to commit to reviewing the list 2-4 times a year.
We should push for a reporting function driven by the HCM list - one that a medical director can generate OR have e-mailed like the asthma and DM registries.
Now a few more mundane enhancements:
1. Reowrk the flushot prompt so it comes up "due" every year on 9/1/08 UNLESS one has been documented in the last 6 months. This way someone who had one on 11/15/08 last year will still get flagged prior to 11/5/09.
2. Put in the capabilites for us to shorten reminder intervals (the classic is a colon adenoma that needs 3 or5 year f/u- customize beyond the "lowest common denominator" AND to reset to longer regular intervals (PAP q 3 years comes to mind) - not just "defer".
3. Add a "soon to be due flag" We have orange "overdue", what about a green "due within 30 days" prompt?
4. Minor fixes in terminology on the pull down menus.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hi Neil- I am timidly stepping into the blogosphere to see if this is working. Looks like a good forum for discussion. On a specific note, I was wondering what the settings are on the HCM sheet for starting osteoporosis screening. I think I have seen it on some starting at 60, not sure if they had risk factors. Is the HCM strong enough to detect risk factors or is it generically set to start at 60?
My other big christmas wish is to add an Advanced Directives category, with a place to indicate if a patient has signed a DNR as well as who their proxy is....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

CIS Health Maintenance Tool

Thanks for finding me here. I am starting this blog to provide a forum for sharing ideas and ideals about the electronic medical record and to help facilitate the successful adoption of CIS throughout the Baystate Medical Practices. I see this blog as one of many tools needed for peer-to-peer exchange for the sharing of ideas, critiques and criticisms of the current state of the EMR and its hoped-for future state.

The first topic that I'd like to examine is the Health Maintenance tool. As many of you know, this has been online for over a year and was developed as a means of accounting for both general and disease-specific patient care measures. While it has a number of imperfect elements, I know it has been widely adopted based on internal reporting and on the comments I receive via email. The most recent issue is the response to the new expectation for the Zostavax, or shingles vaccine, for all patients 60 years and older.

Let's begin this conversation with a review of the various guidelines that have been referred to in the development of the current state. Feel free to compare and contrast and leave your comments here, especially as they pertain to some of the more questionable elements I included during the initial build, e.g. PSA/DRE, clinical breast exam.

Collected Guidelines from AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Prostate Cancer Screening ACS
Breast Cancer Screening ACS
MHQP Guidelines

Let's use this set of links as a starting point for our conversation. If you are interested, I can share with you some of the technical details involved in the build of the HM tool as well as a preview of the tool as it will exist in a year from now.

I'd also welcome thoughts on the best ways to communicate with the BMP community. While I know that email is usual method for institution-based communication, the blogosphere may add to the exchange by adding a new dimension of web appeal.